Lloyd Cole When the darkness and fogy mist is remove from our spiritual "EYE" then we shall see clearly. Because we will be looking through new lenses from Elyon/Yeshua and we shall walk in the clear and narrow path that leads to a life of the ELECT and RIGHTEOUS. And not the road that leads to destruction. With much agape love have an eye opening experience, xo xo xo.
Lloyd Cole
There is hope in the agape love, full of Grace and Truth with perfect deliverance. The good news is Elyon/Yeshua brightens up our world View and gives us the true Light. So that we don't stumble,fall and stay down but we shall always rise up, getup, stand up and give Elyon/Yeshua the glory and thanks. With much agape love have a bless future and a flourishing new Day, xo xo xo.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
The Two Part of Kosmic Universe
Knowledge is power but a lack thereof make us powerless, this is deep natural and spiritual knowledge of KOSMOS.The Kosmic universes are created and made in dualities positive/negative,male/female, good /bad, in other words opposites a Kosmic world of Quantum realities which is the foundation of all things that are created and made.This is the Spiritual and material reality of the Most High, and in him we live, move and have our being.He is building his new Heaven (SKY)Earth and Divine Realms with Quantum materials the strongest and best there is in all the realms. The material Kosmic worlds is only a shadow or reflection of the Spirit worlds or realms.This is Divine Philosophy of the new Renaissance of hope for the Divine CAUSE.Its about Education,Education,Education,for the Knowledge of Elyon shall cover the Earth as water spread across the sea, (SEER Jerimiah Chap 31) With much agape love have an enlightened bright Day, and may Elyon/Yeshua's presence abide with you always.xo xo xo.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Elyon/Yeshua's E=MC² ???
.... About physics of energy as well as The E=MC² theory. We are a part of the Kosmic world of nature and the Kosmic world of nature is apart of us. Hence are we not living beings? Since the Kosmic material world is energy it follows then that we are a miniature Kosmos or microcosm. However there is a SPIRITUAL realm that cannot be seen by our five senses or our optical perception because all things optically observed are only delusions. So we are made up of material and Spirit energy the Spiritual frequency being the Highest supreme energy of them all. Notice that i use the high case K for kosmos instead of the high case C for cosmos because the two words have different meanings. Education, Education, Education, knowledge is power but a lack of it make us powerless.Therefore lets educate ourselves. with much agape love. which is the true Living Light, have an energizing day full of light and joy,xo xo xo. (The New Divine Logos)
Elyon/Yeshua's E=MC²
Lloyd Cole wrote: .......about physics of energy as well as The E=MC² theory. We are a part of the Kosmic world of nature and the Kosmic world of nature is apart of us. Hence are we not living beings? Since the Kosmic material world is energy it follows then that we are a miniature Kosmos or microcosm. However there is a SPIRITUAL realm that cannot be seen by our five senses or our optical perception because all things optically observed are only delusions. So we are made up of material and Spirit energy the Spiritual frequency being the Highest supreme energy of them all. Notice that i use the high case K for kosmos instead of the high case C for cosmos because the two words have different meanings. Education, Education, Education, knowledge is power but a lack of it make us powerless.Therefore lets educate ourselves. with much agape love. which is the true Living Light, have an energizing day full of light and joy,xo xo xo.
Good morning lovers of Elyon/Yeshua. Our hearts belong to Yeshua/Elyon and this makes us happy. What is the love of Elyon/Yeshua? Well it is not just a feeling based on emotions, but it is based on duty. Yeshua said if you love me keep that which I command you to do. Therefore his agape love is a dutiful act. Not just by feelings or emotions but by an act of duty: as a soldier go to fight for his country and often times die defending his belief in his country's policy, or like a parent/parents who will die fighting to protect their children and finally as a bodyguard who will throw himself/herself in arms way protecting and guarding the person in which he/she is guarding.This kind of Agape love is kind, unselfish and seeks not its own self interest, all of its motives are pure.
Therefore when i say with much agape love have a enlightened Day, this is what i mean. Not the kind of love that embraces you when things are going well, but as soon as things things are not going to their expectation because of uncontrollable reasons they have no need for you. So with much of the same agape love have a bright and blessed Day, the LOVE of ELYON/YESHUA equals action that is done in his WILL also activities that are done in his name to his children/people (JRSL-UCYG)
The Aeon/Age of Elyon/Yeshua
Lloyd Cole Good morning spiritual and friends.The Aeon/age is here when all things which was hidden from the great mass/the 80% on people on the Earth, shall now be uncovered. These are not new to the elite/nobles 20% who rules over us.However Yahweh Elyon is on the way to open the EYE of his children and give them his perspective or world view of his creation and makings. We shall know the full truth and it shall make us free from all ignorance, mentally and spiritually, in minds spirits and souls. Knowledge is power and a lack of it makes us powerless.Therefore we must receive"TABUARASA" before one can know full truth from Elyon/Yeshua.Whoever have the passion or zeal for knowledge shall fine it,through Education, Education, Education, let no one steel your right to pursue true knowledge.(Divine Philosophy which is the NEW RENAISSANCE of hope from the KOSMIC WIND,SPIRIT, FORCE (YAHWEH ELYON/YESHUA).With much agape love have an enlightened bright Day, may Elyon's presence bless,xo xo xo.
We are the World
Lloyd Cole wrote: Good Day family and friends, I am the world, we are the world you are the world. And Elyon/Yeshua said to me, that when the people of the world rise up and demand CHANGE, change will come. And WORLD we are beautiful, fill with agape love, grace, true light and full truth, Elyon love us with his Eternal Love. With much of the same be the World that we are and let the Sunshine of the Most High spread his Light in and around us, so that his Love can radiate through us.With his help we shall be victorious, once we were powerless but now we are powerful, xo xo xo.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Elyon’s Creations are full of cosmic intelligence, energy and life. What human skill can we compare to the Creative Artistry of the Kosmic intelligence? From mere observation of still pictures, Elyon’s art gives vibrant life to our Body Soul and Spirit. From a minute atom to the grander of visible parts of the universe and beyond, the handy work of the supreme Creator is Truth Art in its splendor In this void of “Elyon’s Creation And Making” Vayia and Katerina show us the true beauty of Kosmos at work – it leaves one in search for words to fully address the Supreme Creator’s majestic beauty in or Cosmic interdependent universe. Can the work of human hand: a toilet on a wall, oil on canvas, sculptures from wood, iron or stone show such splendor of nature? Can they give it life or take life from it?
Man take the alive or natural created elements of Elyon, shape and fashion it with their hands call it art and heap praise upon themselves and their fellows. My sisters who put this video together present the Truth Art of the Most High and give glory and praise to this Kosmic intelligent Entity—for all natural beauty that make up all living things—from the dancing atom great stars and plants, they encourage us to give thanks for Elyon World View. In Elyon “we love move and have our being”. Therefore the we comic extension, are to give glory, honour and respect to the Creator and not human nor the image of our hands. Thanks! Vayia and Katerina keep up the good work much great blessing from Elyon/Yeshua. (JRSL-UCYG)
Man take the alive or natural created elements of Elyon, shape and fashion it with their hands call it art and heap praise upon themselves and their fellows. My sisters who put this video together present the Truth Art of the Most High and give glory and praise to this Kosmic intelligent Entity—for all natural beauty that make up all living things—from the dancing atom great stars and plants, they encourage us to give thanks for Elyon World View. In Elyon “we love move and have our being”. Therefore the we comic extension, are to give glory, honour and respect to the Creator and not human nor the image of our hands. Thanks! Vayia and Katerina keep up the good work much great blessing from Elyon/Yeshua. (JRSL-UCYG)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Who Should We Glorify or Worship?
Lloyd Cole Who should we glorify or worship? Who or what should we not worship? the answer to this per found question, is nothing that is created or made. All things that are created by Elyon the Divine KOSMIC true Light are secondary things. Secondary things needs not to be glorify. Its only the eternal ONE,because he is Supreme KING of all kings of the Kosmos in all the realms, i don't mean earthly rulers.
Michael Washington
Why does THE ALL need our glorification? We should celebrate ourselves and be our potential. We should fully explore all that we are, and move forward aspiring to be all that we were designed to be.
Toris Dimitrios
Declaration of Elyon/Yeshua's wisdom ! We thank you Mr. Lloyd.
Yesterday at 12:16
Lloyd Cole
Yes we should be all that, but humans are finite in understanding Elyon. He is the infinite Kosmic SPIRIT and all secondary living things will bow to him whether in shame or in respect. He don't need our worship to exist or function, however humans glorify themselves, their resources, and the creations of the Most high. Yet some find it an issue to give glory to him. We should give to Caesar what belongs to him and give to Elyon his glory, he is coming out of his hiding place all shall see him.
Michael Washington
As long as this makes sense to you, then peace on your path.
Eric Richard
Mr Lloyd, this is an amazing statement ! Not only the Creator is not a creation, but he is not self made. He is. Your statement provokes the reader, to put himself and anything else aside, focusing all our attention in The One and only Entity worthy of all glory and worship. I will definitely use this, because its enlightening.
Sylvi Sun Beam
"Who should we glorify or worship?" Our eternal Father Elyon created this earth and He created us, we should worship and glorify Him. He sent His only begotten Son, Yeshua into this world and he prayed, worshiped and glorified his eternal Father Elyon. He was our example as to what we should do and he taught his disciples to pray and to worship their eternal Heavenly Father (Matthew 6:9-13 , John 4: 23-24). The heavenly beings whom Elyon created worships and glorifies Him (Revelations 4:8-11), and shouldn't we earth people worship Him and give Him glory, honour and praise also? The next question is, "Who or what should we not worship?" We see that the fallen angels want people to worship them. Satan wanted Jesus to "fall down and worship him', but Jesus rebuked him and he said to him".....thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and Him only shalt thou serve (Matthew 4:9-10). Let us follow Elyon's Son Yeshua, and worship, glorify and respect Elyon.
Michael Washington
Why does THE ALL need our glorification? We should celebrate ourselves and be our potential. We should fully explore all that we are, and move forward aspiring to be all that we were designed to be.
Toris Dimitrios
Declaration of Elyon/Yeshua's wisdom ! We thank you Mr. Lloyd.
Yesterday at 12:16
Lloyd Cole
Yes we should be all that, but humans are finite in understanding Elyon. He is the infinite Kosmic SPIRIT and all secondary living things will bow to him whether in shame or in respect. He don't need our worship to exist or function, however humans glorify themselves, their resources, and the creations of the Most high. Yet some find it an issue to give glory to him. We should give to Caesar what belongs to him and give to Elyon his glory, he is coming out of his hiding place all shall see him.
Michael Washington
As long as this makes sense to you, then peace on your path.
Eric Richard
Mr Lloyd, this is an amazing statement ! Not only the Creator is not a creation, but he is not self made. He is. Your statement provokes the reader, to put himself and anything else aside, focusing all our attention in The One and only Entity worthy of all glory and worship. I will definitely use this, because its enlightening.
Sylvi Sun Beam
"Who should we glorify or worship?" Our eternal Father Elyon created this earth and He created us, we should worship and glorify Him. He sent His only begotten Son, Yeshua into this world and he prayed, worshiped and glorified his eternal Father Elyon. He was our example as to what we should do and he taught his disciples to pray and to worship their eternal Heavenly Father (Matthew 6:9-13 , John 4: 23-24). The heavenly beings whom Elyon created worships and glorifies Him (Revelations 4:8-11), and shouldn't we earth people worship Him and give Him glory, honour and praise also? The next question is, "Who or what should we not worship?" We see that the fallen angels want people to worship them. Satan wanted Jesus to "fall down and worship him', but Jesus rebuked him and he said to him".....thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and Him only shalt thou serve (Matthew 4:9-10). Let us follow Elyon's Son Yeshua, and worship, glorify and respect Elyon.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Full Truth of Elyon/Yeshua
Lloyd Cole wrote: "Very good dialog and provocative exercise in pursuit of full truth. Yes with regards to Carl Jung he had enlightened insight into the unconscious self, however he was only a man finite in knowledge and wisdom. He was my favourite in university in the realms of dreams/ Gnostic teaching especially about the Anima/ Animus. Yet even Jong is finite in his search of hidden knowledge of the Dark light side verses the true Light side. One can only see the difference between the two Camps of truth when our spiritual "EYE" is open by Elyon he who know full truth. Fine out for yourselves by speaking to your Divine father Elyon the true LIGHT. Do not listen to anyone else because only the Most High tells the full truth sense he is infinite in knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Do not even take my words for it, seek for yourselves and be not deceived by anyone. This is your souls that could be stolen by the evil one. Our responsibility is to save our souls from Lucifer. Arch Angel Michael will help us."
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The Power of Agape Love
Lloyd Cole wrote: There is certainly great power in the agape love of Yahweh Elyon. We need to cultivate genuine altruism and aggression which is natural positive energy that we call love to bring balance in our excistance on these earthly plains of common.However we also know that speaking it and demonstrating are two different which can only be done by the collective minds, spirits, souls and activities of all. as we join the CIRCLE of the Arch Angel Divine spiritual energy shall be release to us in our minds, spirits, and of soul. Only then we will be able to accomplish this goal, with purpose, mission and the zeal of Elyon the Most High's Powers.We must remember that there has been many good man and women who tried to bring world peace in the hearts or worldwide for the good of all, but could not archive it. WHY or Why not? could it be that it was not the right Aeon/Age? or we did not have right kind of Divine Powers? lets think on these things.
Monday, July 13, 2009
The Sevival of Earth Man
James Woods When mindset of few people feel that earth population need to be adjusted by the use of hunger and diseases, does not the masses needs Kosmic intervention? Lloyd Cole wrote: It is a time for decision making, knowledge is power but a lack of it make us powerless. Therefore the solution is to educate our people of the Earth. Education, Education, Education, and ask Elyon/Michael to lead us and assist us in our earthly activities in our purpose, mission and goal for the earth people's survival. We need to collectively in unity call upon our eternal FATHER ELYON/MICHAEL the Divine LION for help as in the days of MOSES leader of the children of ISRAEL.With his leadership we will overcome the onslaught of the Evil wicked Ones. There is hope and power in the Agape Love which is fair and just, so let us call on Elyon/Michael he will help us there is no one els to trust, because we cannot replace one tyrannic rule for another this does not make any sense. xo xo xo.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Full Truth Will Lead
Lloyd Cole As it was and still is, the SPIRIT of FUll Truth will lead, teach and restrained Elyon/Yeshua's children/people nothing has change.But the apostate Church of Christendom as continued to teach false gospel teaching lies in high places deceiving many just as Yeshua and his Apostles said they would.Yeshua is calling his people out of the Synagogue of Satan before it is too late, therefore let not Lucifer steel our souls. With much agape love have an uplifting and victorious bright DAY over the Devil and hid Angels, we are winners in Yeshua (Jesus Kristos/Christ) and we will overcome,xo xo xo.
The immortal soul, is a sacred part of our existence. It is the complete energy body made of the 60 billions of atoms from the elements of the materials which make up our physical beings. We are made up of three separate invisible parts,(1) The material body,(2) the soul and (3) the Ghost/spirit.Of the three the ghost is the closest to the divine. This part of us is spirit just as Elyon is Ghost.It is our spirits that can be reborn from above or by (ELYON) and receive the spark of the divine Kosmic flame to become all that it can be.However there has been a war going on in the Spirit Realms between Michael the Arch Angel and the evil One Lucifer.They are fighting or competing for souls but in the end Michael the Heavenly LION will win and those souls who chooses to be with him shall be delivered from the angry Vilain Satan.With much agape love be victorious over the Devil and his Angels, xo xo xo. (JRSL-UCYG)
Elyon's True Justic is Coming
Justice& Full Truth: Lloyd Cole wrote: Hello spiritual friends and family this is an example of how the world ruled by Lucifer is. Because he is the father/mother of all lairs and his deeds his people no matter how much pain and hardship they bring on others will do.After confessing to the lies Jordan Chandler told on Michael, many people now know the truth,but do they all believe it or are their still those who not because of the blatant lie that was told about Michael Jackson. Who is to blame for these kind of defamation of character? I hope the boy and now a man and his father can live with themselves.The Bright Day is coming where everyone will give an account of all that we have done to Yahweh Elyon for the things we have done. There shall be no escape no place to hide not even death can stand in the way because all things are written in/on our spirits and souls. With much agape love lets have some real justice and fairness in our adversary legal system, xo xo xo.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Sade - Cherish The Day (Video)
Hello family & friends this is a song that depicts a woman dress in white with a music instrument, she is playing her music as she dances. She prays, she cherishes the Day, she don't go astray because she want to go to HEAVEN. As for me, she signifies the clean and pure CHURCH or LADY of ELYON his Bride she is without fault. She is full of life and bright true Light in her apparel and is willing and ready to play her music and dance for her people.She is the essence of the Agape love on earth in shape,form and likeness of a true Lady and not the other who is dress in (RED) Crimson who corrupted and perverted the hold earth. Elyon's Bride also represent the womb that procreate, give hope to humanity and the hold earth. The Church of Elyon, the Clean and Pure Lady exemplifies the virture,essence and characters of a perfect form and likeness of the full truth,true Light and WILL of GOD ELYON;Walking always in the agape Love, with purpose,mission and a bird eye view of her goal. (JRSL-UCYG)
Monday, July 6, 2009
Which is the Right Way of Elyon
What are we willing to give for Elyon/Yeshua's Full Truth? In the essence of the Kosmic intelligence should we look at where the masses of our human world is heading and run the other way? Lloyd Cole wrote that: Yeshua said broad is the way that lead to destruction and many there be that fines that way, however narrow is the way that leads to life and few will fine that way.When Yeshua was been tempted by Satan he tried to get him to sellout is truth and faith in exchange for the KINGDOMS of this world,but Yeshua refused. But many others could not resist the temptation for fame,fortunes and power.Lucifer is the greatest soul catcher the world has ever seen, therefore don't let him steal your soul. With much agape love have a victorious future over the Devil and his angels, xo xo xo.
Teachers of Lies
Lloyd Cole wrote: It is interesting to know how well learned ministers of this world who studied many scriptures of both old and new Testament teaches these lies.Yeshua call them Synagogue of Satan,these books are falsely interpreted into whatever they seem fit to spread their teachings and lies from Lucifer. They all speak of God, but which God are they talking about? are they speaking about God Elyon/Yeshua or God Lucifer? The God Elyon/Yeshua, is of the Good. Good meaning beautiful....Elyon creation and his makings is functional, operational and productive, it is also built on the principle 'DUALITY' which equal positive and negative, male and female. Without these opposite nothing can be created or made.However God Lucifer primary goal is to destroy man/woman therefore he will do every deceptive means to corrupt and pervert people, thereby preventing man from procreating by natural organic means.These kinds are not new they are from ancient times of Noah and Nimrod.
A New Kosmic Era
Lloyd Cole wrote: This ia the end of a era, and the beginning of something new.May Elyon/Yeshua be with us always,as we come together in unity and strength working along with Elyon/Michael the great Arch Angel and LION of the Kosmos to make new SKY and New Earth. Therefore we must make the CIRCLE with people of same minds, spirits and souls wherever we may be on our great Mother Earth. The Most High had his angels who are commissioned by Elyon to help us in activities working in the affairs of men. We are not alone.Victorious we shall be as long as we put our trust in our Eternal Father (parent) Elyon. With much agape love have a enlightening bright Day and a much guided journey by Yahweh Elyon, xo xo xo.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
The Age of Elyon Divine Philosophy
Lloyd Cole Hello family & friends, as we are in the information Aeon/Age we can postulate that knowledge is power,but a lack of it makes one powerless. This Discipline of post secondary study give us some insight of certain Gnostic/hidden knowledge given to man by Celestial intelligence, the Elohim s (those who came from the SKYS ) though we may not used these knowledge in our every day lives,we should know they existed and is been used by some people. Most of these esoteric or Occult knowledge have its dark side to it. However in the new kingdom of Elyon/Yeshua, none of the old knowledge given by the principalities and Lucifer will be used in the new order of things.Elyon/Yeshua "WILL" is of Divine origin, not material or supernatural. The Most High's knowledge is of the highest, the supreme or Primary and not the secondary state of being. Therefore know thyself oh man, with much agape love have a divinely inspired and enlighten bright Day.The Kosmic true light has risen with the highest.
the Kosmic Creator at Work
Lloyd Cole Good day family & friends how are you doing today? A scientific worldview of the earth Pole Reversal -Polar Shift December 21/20-12, has been given. However what is Elyon saying about the changes that he is making in his Kosmic creation and makings? I don't know exactly when it will be, but there shall be a cataclysmic kosmic event happening on earth and in the SKY that will change the face of the earth from the way we know it. At this time Elyon/Yeshua will be the hope of his children/people. Also in the Book of Revelation (Chap,21 verses 1-8) Elyon/Yeshua is saying look i make all things of creation new, in the material, spiritual and Divine Realms.With much agape love have a bright Day and hopeful future, xo xo xo.
The Dawned of Today Generation
Lloyd Cole The amazing SIXTIES was a very exciting times, with its revolutionary spirit setting ground and foundation for Change, there is the students at Berkley University who are demanding new horizons of ideas/ thoughts. A generation that were challenging the old established restricted order, and then there is WOOD STOCK and JIMI HENDRIX. Certainly a social revolutionary period in history, a time that has left an indelible stamp and moments of being in our mind, spirit and souls. They all dissipating positive active energy of some sort socially, spiritual or other mental conscious or subconscious electrically charged energy. What ever created the settings it was quite exiting and all was positive ENERGY,of a generation of people inspired with a motivation to have change.With much agape love have a bright Day and may Elyon /Yeshua bless you all real good, xo xo xo.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
The Kosmos Speaks!!!
The Kosmic intelligence does speaks; the evidence is all around us. the question is, can we hear or can see the signs? Elyon can unblock our Cosmic senses to appreciate the writing of the Kosmos... Lloyd Cole wrote: "Behold the hidden signs and forms known only by the ancient ones, long before time. Can we catch the fire and see the flame in the Gnostic meanings of those symbolism. With much agape love have an enlightened bright Day, xo xo xo. P. S. It is said by King David an Israelite of Ancient times, that the heavens declare the glory of GOD Elyon and the firmament shows his handy works. This statement has very deep meanings however the wise people of Elyon shall understand as they receives the Holy WIND,SPIRIT or BREATH of ELYON. Which is (the Kosmic Living Divine Energy or Living Light)"
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The Hidden Must come to Light .....
Lloyd Cole Wrote: Hello Family & friends,Education,Education, Education is a necessity in our times.I reminded us that Yeshua predicted all that was hidden seal up from the 80% or the great mass would be uncovered or be exposed when the travel and information Aeon/Age ushers in. Now is the day of the true Light which is shining and full Truth, because Yahweh Elyon/ Yeshua will it and nothing can CHANGE it.P, S. its time to start looking into studding the Signs,symbols, names, titles, words,letters, musical language, because these are some of the things that some people want you to know.
That right the time has come for us to become informed and reclaim lost, hidden and Gnostic knowledge. Thereby we can educated ourselves in these subject matters. lets investigate these things that some people don't want the 80% or the great mass to know.
That right the time has come for us to become informed and reclaim lost, hidden and Gnostic knowledge. Thereby we can educated ourselves in these subject matters. lets investigate these things that some people don't want the 80% or the great mass to know.
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