Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wisdom From Elyon

"Good morning beloved Angel Vayia Be, how are you doing to day? I hope you are well. Thanks for working so hard on the French version of the video. Question number (1) from ancient times spiritual scientists knew that there was a very intelligence energy that fill the space everywhere. The wise scientist philosophers call it the ETHA, or IETHA, not quite sure of the right spellings, however modern scientist calls it Oregon. It is this Divine Energy that ancient Philosopher/Poet Cleanthes and the Apostle Paul speaks of when they said in him we live, move and have our being. I have seen Elyon as this Golden Energy which is in the Kosmic World and it is pure Divine every. (2) The two commandment are Laws of the Divine Energy of the Agape, one is to love Elyon with all our mind, soul and spirit the other is to love the Children of Elyon as you love yourself. (3) there is one special reason why I used agape to the my English audience, this reason is to make the difference between our love of the Most High from the Carnal love that the other facebook people write so much about. Their love is of the natural world but our agape love is of the nature of Divine Logos and his Father Elyon. (4) the question about the soul and the spirit: The soul is the inner body of the material self, it is invisible to the eyes. It is like your hologram or a light particle of you which contain your software that no one can touch or hold with the hands. The spirit is your ghost or a celestial you which has a spark of the great Kosmic Spirit SUN ELYON that is in the centre of the Kosmos. This Kosmic Spirit is what holds everything together so that things don’t falls apart. I hope I could be of some help in making things more clear, much agape love. Please do some research on Etha for me and let me know the result.” (Joseph Rising Sun Levii)

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Two Commandments Of Elyon/Yeshua


Sylvi Sun Beam wrote: Thanks to Elyon for this message of the"two new commandments of the Agape Love", and thank you Joseph Rising Sun for bringing to us the message. What a marvelous experience to be "born of God Elyon, born of His Spirit" and be filled with His Agape love. "But as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even them that believe on his name. Which were not born not of blood nor of the will of man but of God" (John 1: 12,13).To be born from above, what a glorious experience to receive divine Life, Love,and True Light from our Eternal Heavenly Father Elyon/Yeshua and to have our spiritual eyes opened and be able to see. Excellent!! Yes, indeed we can say, "greater is He who is in us, than he who is in the world." It is great to have this "assurance that we are being kept safe by the power of his Name" the Name of Elyon/Yeshua and that these Names can, will and do brings great deliverance in our lives.

"Let brotherly love continue," as we experience the Agape love of Elyon/Yeshua.

All glory, worship, praise, adoration, honour and respect to our Creator Elyon and His only begotten Son, Yeshua.

Much agape love.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Agape Love

The Divine Energy the Agape love, is constant, and always in the present, it is not a feelings though it can influence one's emotion and feelings. However, its a Living Divine Energy the (IETHA). In it we live, move and have our being. It is Yahweh Elyon who is living Light and Spirit Electricity it cares for all its creation and makings, it is like a good father or a mother who is always there in support of the children as a duty.

Victory in Elyon/Yeshua

ARE YOU LIVING A VISTORIOUS LIVES OF TRUE FAITH IN ELYON OVER THE EVIL ONE AND HIS ANGELS? If you are not then ask our Eternal Father for your individual help and he shall answer with his Divine Fire and the Flame which comes to consume and devour the Demons/Evil one. With much agape have a victorious Day over the Devil and his Angels. (UCYG)

--Sylvi Sun Beam wrote: It is great to know that we can live "a victorious life of "true faith" in Elyon over the Evil One and his Angels. " When we have the Eternal Father Elyon and His Son Yeshua in our lives and we know that They are with us, we can have "true faith" in Him and we can stand strong and no demon or devil can touch us, because in the Name of Elyon/Yeshua we have the victory. When we stand in the Name of Elyon/Yeshua, demons and devils will have to flee. " Resist the Devil and he shall flee from you." If we have "true faith" in Elyon, we can call upon him when the Evil One attacks us and Elyon/Yeshua will do battle for us, by sending the 'Divine Fire and the Flame to consume them." Our God, Elyon "is mighty to save and strong to deliver." We can have the victory and live "a victorious life, because our Creator Elyon has a "holy and mighty Arm," and He is "Mighty in Battle."
We give to You Elyon/Yeshua, thanksgiving, praise, glory, worship, blessings, honour and respect for You deserve all the praise.
Now how can one be misled if they are living by knowing? Would it not be more incline for someone to be misled if they are living by belief? As there is no guarantee that a belief is Truth. We will say there is no way to find Full Truth and True Light unless we all have a personal Kosmic experience like Paul. Act 9:1 If every human listen to Yeshua --trust no human with your spirit and soul life--could there have been or can there be a Jones Town?
--Joseph Rising Sun wrote: Well said James your profound questions are provocative and to the point. If we say our immortal soul is priceless how can we take such a chance in keeping it safe from the Evil one when we only believe? For example If some owes you money and tells you that he or she deposited in your account, do you receive it by believing that its in your Bank account, or do you check your account to see if it was deposited? Money is significant in our present economic social system and we make special effort to ensure that it was deposited in our account not just relying on believing --then how much important is our soul? Should we not make sure by knowing that our money was put in our Bank account by he who promised to have it deposited? It is augured that some people sell their soul to the Evil one for fame and fortune but Yeshua asked the question since our souls are so priceless what shall we give in exchange for soul?

Victory in Elyon/Yeshua

ARE YOU LIVING A VISTORIOUS LIVES OF TRUE FAITH IN ELYON OVER THE EVIL ONE AND HIS ANGELS? If you are not then ask our Eternal Father for your individual help and he shall answer with his Divine Fire and the Flame which comes to consume and devour the Demons/Evil one. With much agape have a victorious Day over the Devil and his Angels. (UCYG)

--Sylvi Sun Beam wrote: It is great to know that we can live "a victorious life of "true faith" in Elyon over the Evil One and his Angels. " When we have the Eternal Father Elyon and His Son Yeshua in our lives and we know that They are with us, we can have "true faith" in Him and we can stand strong and no demon or devil can touch us, because in the Name of Elyon/Yeshua we have the victory. When we stand in the Name of Elyon/Yeshua, demons and devils will have to flee. " Resist the Devil and he shall flee from you." If we have "true faith" in Elyon, we can call upon him when the Evil One attacks us and Elyon/Yeshua will do battle for us, by sending the 'Divine Fire and the Flame to consume them." Our God, Elyon "is mighty to save and strong to deliver." We can have the victory and live "a victorious life, because our Creator Elyon has a "holy and mighty Arm," and He is "Mighty in Battle."
We give to You Elyon/Yeshua, thanksgiving, praise, glory, worship, blessings, honour and respect for You deserve all the praise.
Now how can one be misled if they are living by knowing? Would it not be more incline for someone to be misled if they are living by belief? As there is no guarantee that a belief is Truth. We will say there is no way to find Full Truth and True Light unless we all have a personal Kosmic experience like Paul. Act 9:1 If every human listen to Yeshua --trust no human with your spirit and soul life--could there have been or can there be a Jones Town?
--Joseph Rising Sun wrote: Well said James your profound questions are provocative and to the point. If we say our immortal soul is priceless how can we take such a chance in keeping it safe from the Evil one when we only believe? For example If some owes you money and tells you that he or she deposited in your account, do you receive it by believing that its in your Bank account, or do you check your account to see if it was deposited? Money is significant in our present economic social system and we make special effort to ensure that it was deposited in our account not just relying on believing --then how much important is our soul? Should we not make sure by knowing that our money was put in our Bank account by he who promised to have it deposited? It is augured that some people sell their soul to the Evil one for fame and fortune but Yeshua asked the question since our souls are so priceless what shall we give in exchange for soul?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Genetic Makeup From Elyon


The Gnostic teaching about our three separate parts that make us up. (One) the Material physical, natural and supernatural, (two) the spiritual/super-spiritual and (three) our Divine self that is of the Eternal Father Elyon and Son Yeshua. To know these things one have to experience it through divine revelation that comes from Elyon himself and not from any human, intermediary, or principalities. Because all others beside the Most High only know in part however Elyon know in full.

KNOW THY SELF DEAR MAN/WOMAN. This is the Aeon/Age to attain perfect development through The Most High Transformation mechanism, which will make us new in mind, spirit and soul. Our form shall remain the same because it is the perfect Kosmic of Heaven and Earth in SPIRIT AND IN THE MATERIAL. It WILL be done by the Divine SPIRIT of GOD Elyon. Then the Knowledge of Elyon shall cover the Earth as Blue SKYS covers the heaven. GOOD MORNING EVERONE, MUCH AGAPE LOVE AND HAVE A BRIGHT AND ENLIGHTENED DAY, xo xo xo.

The Most High is opening the spiritual EYES of the blinds and He is showing new and great things of both the material and spirit world. These people are from all over the world, of every nation, people of communities and families that one would least expect. What a new day we are living in? The beauty of all this good news is that, Elyon himself is doing it with no discrimination. It shall be done to all social class. Low middle and high, whoever the Most sees fit. For now is come SALVATION (HEALING) and STRENGT, THE KINGDOM OF ELYON and THE POWER OF HIS CHRIST (KRISTOS).

Friday, November 20, 2009

When Elyon Reveals

Elyon revealed “when people of earth demand changes then changes will come”. We can be part of changes. Our prayer/meditation has power since it’s energy that can lift our words and our spirit in the place of the Most High/Ypsistos Theos. It’s time the agape love which is sacred and beautiful to prevail transforming th......e darkness to light, the chaos in order, the despair in hope. Let’s be part of the greatest Force in the Kosmic world, the divine energy of agape love by joining the circle of prayer, every Friday at 7-8 pm. Much agape love, have an enlightened bright Day. (UCYG; JRS)

When Elyon Reveals

Elyon revealed “when people of earth demand changes then changes will come”. We can be part of changes. Our prayer/meditation has power since it’s energy that can lift our words and our spirit in the place of the Most High/Ypsistos Theos. It’s time the agape love which is sacred and beautiful to prevail transforming th......e darkness to light, the chaos in order, the despair in hope. Let’s be part of the greatest Force in the Kosmic world, the divine energy of agape love by joining the circle of prayer, every Friday at 7-8 pm. Much agape love, have an enlightened bright Day. (UCYG; JRS)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


One of the many reasons why mankind the Micro part of the massive Universes thinks that way is because it is finite in knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Many of whom are only intune into the natural universes, we are not all spiritual by nature, therefore we are limited in knowing outside our perimiter. And so not knowing naturally makes us ignorant of full Truth since full Truth comes only through a spiritual rebirth or transformation of spirit, soul and mind. As those of us are spiritually transformed and passes through our different stages of development then our third EYE become open and we begin to see through our new lences far and wide into the diverse worlds and realms, Spiritual and Material. (JRSL)

The many of us,  UCYG Members, all over the world, we do not live by believing we live by knowing. Our life is a journey of knowing the Will of Elyon/Yeshua and doing it. The Prophets and the Apostles did not speculate on the written words they knew from divine revelations. Why should we not partake in the same legacy--did Yeshua not offer us greater things because he goes to the Father Elyon?

Did the apostles and prophets read and believed or saw or experience and know the Glory, Truth and Power of Elyon/Yeshua? And has the Kosmos change so that there can be no more revelations to human? And should we believe that man feeble intelligence emerged in syllogism, exegeses and scholastics can afford us full Truth and True Light?

How Large We are As Human in the Universe of Elyon

James Woods wrote: Is not strange that we human, the micro part of the massive universe, convey ideas that can be interpreted to show that we know more than the Kosmic intelligence --the Divine Creator? Because human believe something does that makes it True? Or is it possible for human to comprehend the fullness of natural Law, as viewed and implemented from Elyon/Yeshua's Vantage point?

Joseph Rising Sun Wrote: James one of the many reasons why mankind the Micro part of the massive Universes thinks that way is because he is finite in knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Many of whom are only intune into the natural universes, we are not all spiritual by nature, therefore we are limited in knowing outside our perimiter. And so not knowing naturally makes us ignorant of full Truth since full Truth comes only through a spiritual rebirt or transformation of spirit, soul and mind. As those of us are spiritually transform and passes through our different stages of development then our third EYE become open and we begin to see through our new lences far and wide into the diverse worlds and realms, Spiritual and Material.

How Large We are As Human in the Universe of Elyon

James Woods wrote: Is not strange that we human, the micro part of the massive universe, convey ideas that can be interpreted to show that we know more than the Kosmic intelligence --the Divine Creator? Because human believe something does that makes it True? Or is it possible for human to comprehend the fullness of natural Law, as viewed and implemented from Elyon/Yeshua's Vantage point?

Joseph Rising Sun Wrote: James one of the many reasons why mankind the Micro part of the massive Universes thinks that way is because he is finite in knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Many of whom are only intune into the natural universes, we are not all spiritual by nature, therefore we are limited in knowing outside our perimiter. And so not knowing naturally makes us ignorant of full Truth since full Truth comes only through a spiritual rebirt or transformation of spirit, soul and mind. As those of us are spiritually transform and passes through our different stages of development then our third EYE become open and we begin to see through our new lences far and wide into the diverse worlds and realms, Spiritual and Material.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Children Aspirations

My like minded brothers and sisters from countries apart; we aspire for the same things. We deeply desire the purity of Kosmos created nature; we aspire for Full Truth, True Light and Perfect Deliverance. From this Fullness comes the Agape Love. How sweet it is...How great it is ....How Kosmos it is, to be praying and waiting with eagerness to follow Elyon/Yeshua's revealed Kosmic will?

Friday, November 13, 2009

A Champion of Natural Order of Elyon

Joseph Rising wrote: SunThis Prime Minister is standing strong in his conviction of his true Faith in Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua. Yet there are many who had bowed their knees to Baal. Worshiping God but serving Baal just as the House of Israel did in ancient times. However this act of Faith by Prime Minister Bruce Golding proves that there is still salt of Elyon/Yeshua lift in the Earth. With much agape love have an enlightened bright Day.

Homosexuality and lesbianism, clearly, has been with us for thousand of years. Never, however, not with standing, Sodom and Gomorrah and Pompeii been so prevalent on a worldwide scale. It is rather encouraging for those who champion the natural order of Elyon/Yeshua to see Prime minister Golding of Jamaica take such a stand.
Mr Golding’s response on such an thorny issue in such an interview, shows not only his position, but also set the tone that define the mind set of the Jamaican people. This man was given a mandate by what can be viewed as a tiny hamlet in the world where the majority desire for the organic nature, despite external pressures, is still very strong. We might even say tiny group of people who are resisting the onslaught Lucifer in many aspects.
It is very easy to hate the identifiable perverts (those who transgress the natural order or law that is by) However, if a product have been tampered with and the product failed to meat expectation or functional utility, we do not blame the manufacturer or the product it self, do we? We blame the saboteur. In our world of chaos when we see a bright light shine—one who stand for Full Truth—let us recognise the source of the dark cloud of chaos.
Fortunately, We don’t have to look far as Elyon has made His diagnosis and has named Lucifer as the culprit. Along with His diagnosis, Elyon has given us the cure--the healer Yeshua. Lucifer sets out to kill and to destroy, Yeshua brings healing and restorations to Adam’s race. There is power in the name of Yeshua!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A true Leader in the Ways of Elyon/Yeshua

Yes [Jamacia's Prime Minister] Bruce Golging is a true Leader. One who teaches and receives Elyon/Yeshua's true Kosmic order of good living things in the universes of the true Light. Elyon gives his Divine principles and moral ethics for good living however Chaos (Lucifer) also brings his false truth and principles and morals in our world. Yet so many are attracted to Chaos path and not to Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua's Highway. SO it is up to us to choice our path, because we will all give an account to the MOST HIGH (ELYON) for our holy or profane paths that we follow. Remember Chaos, Satan, Lucifer came to kill and destroy all who does the Most High Will, but Yeshua/Elyon came to give Eternal life plus the bonus to our spirit and sou. Much agape love have a victorious bright Day. (UCYG:JRS)

This Prime Minister is standing strong in his conviction of his true Faith in Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua. Yet there are many who had bowed their knees to Baal. Worshiping God but serving Baal just as the House of Israel did in ancient times. However this act of Faith by Prime Minister Bruce Golding proves that there is still salt of Elyon/Yeshua lift in the Earth. With much agape love have an enlightened bright Day. (UCYG: JRS)

Elle Cole wrote: In some cultures, homosexuality (Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian), behaviors are tantamount to adultery because it is an abomination on the one hand and the definition of adultery applies to it on the other hand. Some scholars hold the opinion that the homosexual should be thrown from a high building as a punishment for his crime, but other scholars maintain that he should be imprisoned until death; because in each of these two actions there is an assault on the humanity of a person, and the destruction of the family.

It is clear, Prime Minister Bruce Golding is adamantly against homosexuality especially while he‘s in office. It takes a confident person especially at that level of government to go against the grain. How many world leaders are willing to stand up and speak out? Jamaicans should be proud to have such an intelligent and strong leader to not get caught in the web of leading questions. It appears Golding desires a healthy society where the people orient their conduct and do what is good. You may ask who determines what is good from bad…or right from wrong?

Desires as aims in themselves is a deviation from one’s natural disposition and a departure from the natural order set by Yahweh Elyon. Much agape love (Elle)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


In names of Yahweh Elyonand Yeshua, ther are Divine powers, to bring healing in the material, natural/ supernatural and Spirit, spiritual, and Divine worlds. In the power of these names we can have perfect deliverance, true Light full Truth and Grace. Yet there are those whom this full truth of the powers of the Kosmic names were hidden from for Milliniums, it is now time to call upon the powers of the names of the MOST HIGH and watch our eternal Father Elyon demonstrate his work. However as we unite in mind spirit and soul we shall experience true and lasting result because the Spirit of the Most High (ELYON) will activate his full powers. Much agape love have a victorious and enpowering bright Day, xo xo xo.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Kosmos -- the True Light

Hello Angels, spiritual family and friends around the world welcome to Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua the true Light. What is the revealed status of Elyon? He is Creator, Maker, Sustainer, Guiding True Light and provider. Elyon was not created nor made by any one, he is the SUPREME Divine Intelligence, the all knowing and infinite. In all of his creations and doings he is always here. He is an AUTOCRAT and no one can tame nor control him, he is Elyon.Therefore, to him belong the glory, thanksgiving, honour and respect for all eternity.So blessed are those who receives him and his full Truth in all his ways. (UCYG :JRS)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Human Soul.....?

The human body is an art work that no human creation can match. Yahweh Elyon much have put alot of thoughts into forming man/woman in his image and likeness. As I consider the emotions, the sense of feelings, the attraction between male and female; Shurely I cam see how infinite his knowledge wisdom and understanding is in all his doings. For this we give him glory, thanksgiving, honorand respect, with much agape love have an enlightened bright Day. (UCYG) JRS