Thursday, March 31, 2011

Prayer to our Eternal Father!!!

PRAYER THAT TAKE ACTION AND MAKE THINGS RIGHT!!! wheneverything fails pray, pray, and pray from your heart, soul, mind andspirit. Tell Elyon/Yeshua all about your troubles. He will hear yourfainted and distress cry, He will answer by and by until you see hisfire and Divine light, He will make things right. (JRS-SMU)

Yeshua !!!!!

Yeshua the Logos, who is the true morning STAR, comes to Terra (Earth). Yeshua/ Elyon is here with his WHITE Light, Yellowish and Goldish Light and he fills our lives with his Eye single and Clear View, full Truth and true Light, in order that we can walk in his living Light and be internalized with his Life. When this conversion and transformation has taken place, the optical delusion of the material world is unveiled and the new renaissance of hope begins. With much agape love, have an enlightening and bright day (JRS-UCYG).

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Elyon's Pure Teachings

Turn your back on the world of Babylon ideas, philosophy and their kings and kingdoms and turn your face to Yeshua/Elyon the true living Light enlightens every one in Sky and Earth.
LET THE SPIRIT SUN SHINES ITS RAYS IN YOUR LIFE!!! The SUN of Righteousness is risen in you, on you and around you let its living rays (Light) illuminate your life. Chose eternal Life over just to live the lifestyle of the world. (JRS)
Yeshua/Elyon kills the cancer cells, heals the broken hear-ted and set the captive free, keeping them safe and secure. There is healing and full deliverance power in the name of Yeshua Elyon. (JRS)
Young men and women i call you because you are strong, courageous, faithful trust worthy and true. Come and join the army of Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua. There is victory and deliverance in the powers of the Most High. (JRS-SMU)

Wake up Elyon's Children...

Awake, awake, stand up for the true living light shines and its rays can be seen near and far in Sky and Earth. The glory of Yahweh Elyon our eternal Father is upon all his creation and makings. Elyon's Green Sun is defusing its rays everywhere in and every mind, soul and spirit to good and pure and impure. The Spirit of conversion and transformation is here, with much agape love, peace joy and righteousness of Melchizedek (JRS-SMU)

Monday, March 28, 2011

when every fails pray, pray, and pray from your heart, soul, mind and spirit. Tell Elyon/Yeshua all about your troubles. He will hear your fainted and distress cray he will answer by and by until you see his fire and Divine light, he will make things right.

Prayers to Elyon ...

when every fails pray, pray, and pray from your heart, soul, mind and spirit. Tell Elyon/Yeshua all about your troubles. He will hear your fainted and distress cray he will answer by and by until you see his fire and Divine light, he will make things right. (JRS-SMU)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Elyon's True Light Teachings

Joseph Rising Sun Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Yeshua/Elyon is King of the kings who are in the Kosmos and things that has been made. Things of the material, spirit and Divine World and Realm. Yeshua Elyon was not Supreme King of the kings.
Lucifer is defeated and Yahweh Elyon has triumph!!! The living Light has overpowered the darkness that brought death to the mind, soul and spirit. Now Yahweh Elyon will shine and put on the glory Yeshua Moshe/Christ Jesus. (JRS)
Rise and shine for the light is here and his glory can be seen in all the dark places. Therefore there is no hiding places for the evil ones of the dark world. Because the living Light's rays shines and the darkness SUN rays cannot overpower nor understand it. (JRS)
THE LION KING HAS RISEN!!! When GOD Yahweh Elyon decreed his "WILL" in Nature, the Kosmic Universes he makes changes that no men or group of people, intermediaries nor principalities can reverse. (JRS)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Yeshua/Elyon The King of The kings

Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Yeshua/Elyon is King of the kings who are in the Kosmos and things that has been made. Things of the material, spirit and Divine World and Realm. Yeshua Elyon was not Supreme King of the earth. The earth was ruled by Lucifer until now. Michael the Great Archangel has won the WAR in Sky. And have the victory over Lucifer and his evil angels in heaven. Michael is also winning here on earth.(JRS-SMU)

The Kosmos

The new Kosmic Universes are in agreement with Yahweh Elyon's "WILL" The future is written in the stars. We are small particles of the Kosmos made from their elements. We are apart of them and they are apart of us. We are not separate from them nor are they separated from us. Therefore, we are One, and their distance does not make us a part, We are part of the whole and whole is apart of us, in body, mind, soul and spirit. (JRS-SMU)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Dry Bones of Israel!!!

The dry bones of the new house of Israel is now coming alive and taking on flesh. They are those who are born from above converted and transformed by the anointing Mighty Holy Ghost Spirit of Yahweh Elyon.(JRS-SMU)


Yeshua Moshe/Christ the Divine Logos is the Living Light. Yeshua is Saviour,
Kosmic Ruler, the Righteous One of the Order of Melchizedek, Lamb of GOD
Elyon and Lion of the Divine Realms in Sky and Earth to me, who is he
to you? (JRS-SMU)

The Purge of Elyon!!!

The purge of the true of GOD Elyon!!! Yeshua Moshe/Christ Jesus is the true living Light. Whoever claim to be in the Light and hate his brother is still in darkness. Those who loves his brother/sister remains in the light and in him there is nothing to make him fall away. (Letters of John 1 chap 2;i-11), (JRS-SMU)

Today's Truth of the Kosmos

Yeshua Moshe/Christ Jesus returns with all the Saints with him, he is the living Light of the Kosmos.
To serve Yahweh Elyon well, one must be strong and courageous one cannot be fearful and weak in mind.
All glory, praise, thanks, and honor to the King of the kings Yeshua Elyon Supreme Ruler of the Kosmic Universes.
The Mighty Holy Ghost is coming to consume and devour the fallen angels and demons and all evil spirits (JRS-SMU)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Truth Israelites of Elyon!!!

All true Israelites are found and rescued in the land of the New Israel. Their are healed by the full Sophia/(Wisdom) and deliverance of the Most High. He is Creator, Maker, Sustainer and protector of his children. His name is Elyon/Yeshua. The New house of Israel are been delivered by He who scattered them. He comes with an awesome hands of freedom from Lucifer's grip that attracted and attacked the people of the great Archangel Michael. (JRS-SMU)

Demise of the Great Whore!!!

We are victorious over the Red Dragon because the great Archangel Michael has slain him and won the War in Sky And Earth. Sky and Earth and it inhabitants are free from his tyrannical rule. These are the Elect and righteous ones who are of the ORDER of Melchizedek. We are reigning in the New Jerusalem City of Peace/ City of Yahweh ElYon's Righteousness with Elyon/Yeshua and not the righteous of the Church of Satan and his World/Babylon. So rejoice, Laugh at Lucifer and do your song and happy dance. (JRS-SMU)

The Saints of Elyon!!!

Saints of the Most High (Elyon) who have been through the perils and fire are those whom have become pure in mind, soul and spirit to perfection in deeds.With Elyon/Yeshua those who does hard and excellent work gets payed in full, those who does nothing leave their job getting nothing. (JRS-SMU)

The New Realms of Yahweh Elyon!!!

THE NEW REALMS OF YAHWEH ELYON!!!The Lamb of GOD Elyon who transcended to become the Lion of Sky and earth Spirit and Divine Realms.Yeshua Moshe/Chirst Jesus is the Divine King of the Kings, Creator and Maker of things visible and things invisible. He comes with the new order of things. Nothing of the old Order is made up of the new. Its the time of the New Renaissance of hope, where all thing become new. (JRS-SMU)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Who is the God of War?

The god of war is Satan. Wars are started for the glory praise thanks and honor to god Satan (pagan Ethen) many serve and worship the god of war. Yeshua Elyon on the other hand, is the good God of Peace and Righteousness to him belongs All praise, Honor, Glory and thanksgiving. (JRS. Mar 17th 2011)

The Golden Key!!!

YEHAUA MOSHE/ JESUS CHRIST IS THE GOLDEN KEY TO THE ETERNAL FATHER YAHWEH ELYON!!! Let us give him glory, praise, thanks and honor because he is the Truth, Way and eternal Life and no one can go to the eternal father but through him. (JRS-SMU)

Solders of Elyon/Yeshua

Soldiers of Yeshua Moshe/Christ Jesus the Kosmic ONE with saving justice and healing in his Crown. Be ready to meet and welcome the Kings of the kings of the Kosmos. ( JRS-SMU)

There is Healing and Deliverance in Elyon/Yeshau

Greetings my brothers and sisters we are dancing our happy dance. Do we remember the Indian man with a severe liver problem who came to our home? Well, he came back to say thanks. He further explained that he was in excruciating pain however, since Saturday the pain has been gradually dwindling which then completely went away today on march 16th 2011..... the pain is gone!! The doctors he previously went to could not help him, he said " they told him to drink wine and to go home as though he was left to die". Despite of all of that Yeshua helped this man. This man is so happy and smiling and thankful to Yesus Christos, Jesus Christ, Yeshua for healing him. These are wonderful times to be alive All Praise Honor and Glory to Yahweh Elyon Yeshua the Divine Logos the Most High, our Eternal Father The Supreme Force of the Kosmos. (JRS. Mar 16th 2011)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Who is Lucifer?

Luciferthe villian!!! He is the heater of the human souls, he has brought death. But Yeshua/Elyon comes with eternal life for the souls and spiritof Elyon/Yeshua's Children. (JRS-SMU)

Miracle of Our Time....Elyon/Yeshua is Great

Greetings my brothers and sisters we are dancing our happy dance. Do we remember the Indian man with a severe liver problem who came to our home? Well, he came back to say thanks. He further explained that he was in excruciating pain however, since Saturday the pain has been gradually dwindling which then completely went away today on march 16th 2011..... the pain is gone!! The doctors he previously went to could not help him, he said " they told him to drink wine and to go home as though he was left to die". Despite of all of that Yeshua helped this man. This man is so happy and smiling and thankful to Yesus Christos, Jesus Christ, Yeshua for healing him. These are wonderful times to be alive All Praise Honor and Glory to Yahweh Elyon Yeshua the Divine Logos the Most High, our Eternal Father The Supreme Force of the Kosmos. (JRS. Mar 16th 2011)

I Am That I Am!!!

I am that I am means that the Most High Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua is always here. Which is to say he is always in the present, always in the now. (JRS-SMU)

Soul Food of Yahweh Elyon...

Elyon is giving his soul food and drink to his children. Come to his
table eate and drink that which clean and pure, dont keeping waiting
because his time is ending and the door is closing. (JRS-SMU)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Teachings From Elyon/Yeshua !!!

There is joy in the realms of GOD Elyon/Yeshua!!! This happens when one soul is saved/heal from the sickness the Lucifer and his angels injected in them. With his poison brings death but Yeshua/Elyon comes eternal life for the soul and spirit. (JRS)

He will judge the ungodly and the unrighteous ones with the Divine unquenchable Fire. This Green SUN will overpower the Dark sun and destroy all its evil one leaving neither root or branches the the whole will be purified. (JRS)

Yahweh Elyon sits on his seat of justice, he is judging the nations whose souls are too attracted to the material realm. Yeshua/Elyon is calling and bringing back his children into his Divine Realms for salvation/healing. This complete act is through his perfect wisdom and deliverance powers. (JRS)

When one invest only to the material and physical he/she will reap vanity (death). But when one invest in the Spirit Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua you will receive eternal life and perfect peace in soul and spirit.(JRS-SMU)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

One Who Fallow the Call of Elyon/Yeshua

Macro Perspective, you are an example to hundreds of young people throughout the nations of the world. Because you have chosen a path that only few has taken and walked before.

The road I am referring to is the 40 days fasting and praying that we are asked to do by Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua. Holy people like SETH, Enoch, and the people who walked in the Melchizedek order of peace and righteousness--Yeshua the lamb, who is also the Divine Logos, walked that way and was victorious because he had Faith and Trust in his eternal Father Yahweh Elyon.

Press on my brother Macro we are with you in support of your ZEAL for the Most High. May he bless you real good, much agape love. (JRS-SMU)

A Call to Elyon/Yeshua's Children

THE CALL TO FASTING AND PRAYING!!! Good day Macro its a pleasure watching you work with zeal for the building up and plugging in the eternal father and son Elyon Yeshua. You are running the race of the Elect and Righteous ones into the unknown path of Your 40 days fasting and praying. The Most High needs young men like you to gather and separate the wheat from the tares. May Yeshua Elyon bless you real good. (JRS-SMU)

JRS A Servant of Elyon/Yeshua


There was a KNOCK at my door a long time ago. I was pregnant with my last child, all of us who lived in home were at home including a visiting Christian friend of ours. I did not think to ask WHO it was, I just automatically opened the door and there stood a tall handsome young man selling ENCYCLOPEDIA. I w as not interested in the books he was selling, I took one look at his handsome face and there was something there. I did not know what it was at the time, he did not even appeared to be a STRANGER to me. I said to him,”COME IN." He came in and sat down and right away the Christen friend start a CONVERSATION with him. He said let talk about my books first. So, he talked about his books. When he was finished, he started talking about GOD, I stood listening to him speak . Now I have two religious background: Nazarene and Pentecostal. I was barely attending one of them at the time, I eventually topped. Something was missing from my life. I was not getting it in the religion. Now, here comes this MAN in my home talking about GOD, he was no ordinary man, it is just that I did not know it at the time; he came to TAKE me on a SPIRITUAL JOURNEY. I have heard great Television Evangelist speak about God, but I was never touched as I was when I heard man speaking about GOD, this was what I wanted to hear all my life. He spoke gently and softly, but his words were captivating, moving stirring and penetrating, It felt good, wonderful, listening to him.

I wanted to see this man again and hear the words of his mouth , for I had never heard anyone speak like him before. No one could speak like this man about the Most High Creator unless they had experienced HIM for themselves, liked the great PROPHETS of Old whom the Most High Creator Spoke through to His people. No one’s words could revive your mind , your soul and you spirit and make you feel alive and refreshed unless the Most High Creator was with that person. Was it his words or the WORDS of the Most High Creator he spoke? Was it just WORDS or ALIVE ENERGY coming from his mouth?

After he left I did not tell anyone I wanted to see and hear this man again. My husband at the time, who was there in the home with us and heard him speak said to me a short while later, “I SAW HIM IN A DREAM LECTURING ME IN A UNIVERSITY" ( so my husband saw him in a dream before he met him in person). I did not know that my husband gave him our phone number before he left our home. A short while later, we moved to another location in the same area and one day he SHOWED up. What JOY FILLED my soul and and my heart. From there on, he taught me many thing about the Most High Creator and His Son, Yeshua and how to pray. When he spoke I would see so many great things in dreams and visions; the Spirit of the Most High Creator and His only begotten Son Yeshua bore WITNESS to what he was saying to me was true and still bears witness today. He speaks of the full Truth, the true Light, perfect Wisdom, perfect Deliverance Grace and the Agape love of Yahweh eEyon/Yeshua. This agape love of Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua flows in him, through him and out of him to others around him and beyond.

The MAN that came to my DOOR was Joseph Rising Sun. No one who wants or is hungry and thirsty for the Most High God Yahweh Elyon and His only begotten Son can walk way from Joseph Rising Sun teachings; if they do, they would want to come back. I have witnessed those who have come back for more of the spiritual food he dishes out. SPIRITUAL FOOD for the mind, soul and spirit of man that brings his whole being alive in the Most High Creator Elyon?Yeshua. For in Elyon/Yeshua, “we live and move and have our being. Yeshua said, Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled (Matthew chapt. 5:6).” He also said, “ If any man THIRST let him come unto me, out of his belly shall flow river of LIVING WATERS ( The Gospel of John chapt. 7: 37, 38)." Do hunger and thirst for Living Water and the Spiritual Food?

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Working of Elyon/Yeshua

Marcia Osifo, March 9 at 2:51pm Report.
Thank you it is a good morning for the spirit said the demon of death came last night but i was protected by Jesus and his angels and I am to be worshiping today in spirit so I am my body feels like I have been in a major battle worn out today hey i am alive.I am still out of town. Invited out to dinner with some Sisters in Christ and then to this place call HOPE to looking forward too.

Thank you my brother in Christ for coming so quidkly to my request.I still have so much to learn..Serving him is such a adventure, it is so exciting and I am more alive..but sometimes.loL it can get plenty wild..but that is okay..i am still hanging in and loving him so..Hope your day is full of joy and with a out pouring of agape to you. Shalom..Love is a Given. (JRS-SMU)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Power of Elyon/Yeshua

Good morning my beloved Joseph greetings in the name of Yeshua!!!
It's a great challenge and a great joy for me to be able to prove every day how much powerful is the Most High inside me than the storm out there! I would like to share with you something that happened a long time ago. It was a big shock for me. My young son had a car accident, after a personal event that happened in his life. He hadn't spoken to any of the family members for 1 night and one day.

I was sharing with Mr. Joseph Rising Sun my worries and my fears. It was then that Joseph told me not to worry and that the Father had some plans for him and nothing would happen to him!!Our Father was going to protect him. His word was confirmed, when the phone rang and it was from the hospital. They told me that my son had a terrible car accident when his car had crushed onto a truck but nothing had happened to him!!!!!The Father had protected him. I give praise and thanks to my Father!!!I also give glory and honour for revealing to me Mr. Joseph Rising Sun who is an affirmative catalyst in my life. The connection i have with Mr. Joseph is a divine grace, a holy path and a spiritual union!!!
Thank you (Sophia MBA)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Elyon/Yeshua People are Shown Where to Find Refuge

There are people of Yeshua Elyon coming to us from all nations to be delivered by the power that is in the name of Yeshua Elyon. On Wednesday night about seven pm someone came to our home knocking the door. I don't answer our house door to anyone at that time of night because for security purposes. However i decided to go to the door. I open the door and there he was, a tall man about six ft 3-4 inches tall, who speaks with an Indian accent. He told me and family members at the door that he is sick with a liver problem and is dying. He is one who believes in Jesus Christ, he said he was praying and the Lord Jesus Christ shows him my home and tell him that I am a praying person. Yeshua said to him that he should ask for prayer to be cure of his liver problem. We do our prayer every Friday from seven to eight pm all these things he said the Lord Jesus Christ told. He came from another community searching for my home that the Lord Jesus showed in is vision while he was praying. We are call UCYG a group of prayer worriers. My team of prayer worriers will be praying for him soon for him to be cure and be made whole. P.S can I use your testimony as a blessing to others around the nations of the world. Let me know, much agape love, peace, joy and hope. (Joseph Rising Sun)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Now it the Time of Elyon/Yeshua Full Healing and Deliverance

There are people of Yeshua Elyon coming to us from all nations to be delivered by the power that is in the name of Yeshua Elyon. On Wednesday night about seven pm someone came to our home knocking the door. I don't answer our house door to anyone at that time of night because for security purposes. However i decided to go to the door. I open the door and there he was, a tall man about six ft 3-4 inches tall, who speaks with an Indian accent. He told me and family members at the door that he is sick with a liver problem and is dying. He is one who believes in Jesus Christ, he said he was praying and the Lord Jesus Christ shows him my home and tell him that I am a praying person. Yeshua said to him that he should ask for prayer to be cure of his liver problem. We do our prayer every Friday from seven to eight pm all these things he said the Lord Jesus Christ told. He came from another community searching for my home that the Lord Jesus showed in is vision while he was praying. We are call UCYG a group of prayer worriers. My team of prayer worriers will be praying for him soon for him to be cure and be made whole. P.S can I use your testimony as a blessing to others around the nations of the world. Let me know, much agape love, peace, joy and hope. (Joseph Rising Sun)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Bee of the Divine Order!!!

THE DIVINE HOLY BEE SERVES THEIR PURPOSE!!!.The Bee and their usefulness are good and productive. We can learn from them resourcefulness. They are unlike the Wasp who cannot make the honey or build the bee hive.(JRS-SMU)

Woman Man of the Kosmic Order!!

Woman need a man and man need a woman!!! A woman with a man is the Kosmic order of things. Make and female created he them by Yahweh Elyon. Get back to his Realm of the Most High and come out of the Babylonian evil perverted and corrupted system. And he will be please with you.(JRS-SMU)

Woman Man of the Kosmic Order!!!

Woman need a man and man need a woman!!! A woman with a man is the Kosmic order of things. Make and female created he them by Yahweh Elyon. Get back to his Realm of the Most High and come out of the Babylonian evil perverted and corrupted system. And he will be please with you.(JRS-SMU)

The Chain of Arch Angel Michael

THE CHAIN OF ARCHANGEL MICHAEL!!!The chain of Michael the great Archangel is strong as its weakest link. Therefore members of this links be strong and courageous as was Joshua the Israelite Leader of ancient times. There is strength and power in knowing where your source of being come from. My source of strength and courage com from Yahweh Elyon Yeshua who create and made Sky and Earth.(JRS-SMU)

Satan existence!!!

All those who tries to disprove the existence of Satan are control by the father of all lies. They themselves are apart of this big lie and are here to spread more lies as their evil father Lucifer. (JRS-SMU)

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Light of Yeshua

Yeshua the Logos who is the true morning STAR comes to Terra (Earth). Yeshua Elyon is here with his WHITE Light, Yellowish and Goldish Light and he fill our lives with his Eye single and Clear View, full Truth and true Light.

In order that we can walk in his living Light and be internalize with his Life. When this conversion and transformation is taken place the optical delusion of the material world is unveiled and the new renaissance of hope begin. With much agape love have an enlightening and bright day. (JRS-SMU)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Who are you From Elyon/Yeshau perspective?

Know yourself, the gifts and treasures that have received and will still partake of being of the New Israel and the Gentiles adopted brothers and sisters whom has been converted and transformed into the image and likeness of Christ Jesus. We are living in amazing times we are receiving the full Truth, true Life and living Light through Elyon Yeshua. (JRS-SMU)

Elyon/Yeshua Teachings

Come and receive golden, yellow and oranges energy substances as food and drink for the mind, soul and spirit it is satisfying and it is for free.(JRS)

According to the geneses story man and woman is made in the image and of the Elohims i that is so, then what is man and woman. to investigate this statement critically we must know, who where they came from, what kind of substance they were made up of, and who was their supreme ruler. We need to research this esoteric and gnostic knowledge to fine the root meaning of these Elohim. (JRS)

We are the gallant army of Yeshua Moshe/Christ Jesus the Kosmic Lion. We are victorious winners of the greatest war against Lucifer and his angels, now we the true and alive CHURCH of Yahweh Elyon can flourish in agape love, peace, joy and hope. (JRS)


The Leo Patrics are among the STARS!!! The heavenly Lion and his Pride of the Divine realm of Yahweh Elyon is on his royal Kosmic seat of power.(JRS)

The Babylonian evil system is crumbling down. As their cultures fall the new order of Yahweh Elyon rises and who can stand in the Most High presence? He is a consuming and devouring FIRE he comes to burn up the tears, trash, get rid of the m...ess and that which is perverted, corrupted and the evil beast that is rotten away. (JRS-SMU)

The Agape Love

THE AGAPE LOVE IS YESHUA ELYON!!!Love not the world nor the optical delusional riches of this world because its the enticing evil that is of Lucifer and the great hunter NInis or Nimrod. Their goods will pervert, corrupt and bring you death, in the mind, spirit and soul.(JRS-SMU)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Michael Victory!!!

MODERN GENTILE CHURCH OF CORINTH!!!The new day has come great Archangel Michael and his angel has won over Lucifer and his evil angels. It’s time to shake off the old garment of confusion and put on the white light of the risen Yeshua/Christ. All glory, praise, thanks and honour be to the King of the kings or rulers of the Kosmos. (JRS-SMU)

Children of the Most High GOD, you are every where from all nations/people. Cry out to your eternal heavenly and Divine Father in the name his Son Yeshua. He will hear and answer your telecommunications, he is waiting.(JRS)

The rebirth of the true and pure CHURCH of Yahweh Elyon is happening now. (JRS)

Judgement of Elyon/Yeshua

"The Son of Man will send out his angels, and
they will gather out of his Kingdom all things that cause stumbling, and
those who do iniquity, and will cast them into the furnace of fire.
There will be weeping and the gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will
shine forth like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. He who has
ears to hear, let him hear." Matthew 13:41-43 (JRS-SMU)

Elyon/Yeshua Freedom

Who Yeshua the Logos sets free you are indeed free,
however if he did not set you free you are still in bondage. A captive
in your mind, spirit, soul, and body, that is still in captivity. Look
to Yeshua he could give full deliverance because of the power of his
fullness of GRACE and agape love. (JRS-SMU)

The Carnal Mind!!!


The True And Living Light

Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua is the true living Light in the world of Darkness. Arise waikeup for the true liiving has come. And his glory can be seen and those who were in the night will fine high light and walk there in.(Isaiah chap 60). (JRS-SMU)

Mystery of Elyon/Yeshua

He is grown up he is unstoppable he will reign as Kink of the kings of the Kosmos. He is the Lion of the Divine holy Realms of Yahweh Elyon. We will all bow to him ether in the agape love or in shame and terror. And every nee will bow and ever tounge confess that he is who he is Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua. (JRS-SMU)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Lamb of Yahweh Elyon!!!

In the gnostic gospel and teaching John Rev, of Yeshua, he revealed In Rev,5). That the Lamb of Yahweh Elyon has transcended into the Lion of the realm of Yahweh Elyon. The real Leo Patric's of the Kosmos as transcended from the Lamb of GOD Elyon to become the Lion of the realms of Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua. He will reign eternally with his Pride. Therefore rejoice and be glad because his WILL is being done on earth as it is in the Sky (Heaven) the Spirit Realms. (JRS-SMU)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Elyon's Messages to the Community

Yahweh Elyon's Church is putting her white linen clothes and she precious in his sight. Its the new day and she is glorious in her apparel wash is the blood of the Lamb of GOD Elyon, no more confusion. Because she has the victory with the help of the great Archangel Michael, over Lucifer and his evil angels and now Elyon's Church will flourish.(JRS)

Love not the world nor the optical delusional riches of this world because its the enticing evil that is of Lucifer and the great hunter NInis or Nimrod. Their goods will pervert, corrupt and bring you death, in mind, soul and spirit, say no to the Devil and his servants they are like WOLF in Sheep clothing. (JRS-SMU)