Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Power of Elyon/Yeshua

Good morning my beloved Joseph greetings in the name of Yeshua!!!
It's a great challenge and a great joy for me to be able to prove every day how much powerful is the Most High inside me than the storm out there! I would like to share with you something that happened a long time ago. It was a big shock for me. My young son had a car accident, after a personal event that happened in his life. He hadn't spoken to any of the family members for 1 night and one day.

I was sharing with Mr. Joseph Rising Sun my worries and my fears. It was then that Joseph told me not to worry and that the Father had some plans for him and nothing would happen to him!!Our Father was going to protect him. His word was confirmed, when the phone rang and it was from the hospital. They told me that my son had a terrible car accident when his car had crushed onto a truck but nothing had happened to him!!!!!The Father had protected him. I give praise and thanks to my Father!!!I also give glory and honour for revealing to me Mr. Joseph Rising Sun who is an affirmative catalyst in my life. The connection i have with Mr. Joseph is a divine grace, a holy path and a spiritual union!!!
Thank you (Sophia MBA)

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