Friday, April 18, 2014


The Passover supper of the children under Moses leadership, was not known as Easter. Easter is not Hebrew, as we well know, Yeshua was Hebrew. So, when did his resurrection day becomes Easter, A celebration of PAGAN AND HEATHEN? Should it not be the Passover supper which was the celebration of the Israelite people when they got their freedom from the Pharaoh? The Passover supper in Egypt was a foreshadow of the resurrection of Yeshua, the Lamb of GOD Most High, when he freed humanity from the bondage of their transgressions, into the victory of having salvation, healing, redemption and perfect wisdom and deliverance over the evil one, the Devil and his angels.

Joseph Rising Sun Levi-UCYG

Photo: On this day 3500 years ago, The Lord went through the land looking for lambs blood on door posts. There was a great deliverance, a pass-over.  On this day 2000 years ago, The Lord began to look for Lamb's blood on the doorposts of hearts. There was a great deliverance - a passing over.  Deliverance is found behind a blood-stained door. If the doorpost of your heart is stained with the Lamb's blood,  Freedom is found! The Exodus is coming & we will be ushered into a whole new glorious future!  There is POWER in the BLOOD.

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