Tuesday, March 3, 2015


THIS IS THE FOOD FOR SPIRIT, SOUL AND MIND. ITS GOOD FOR OUR BEING! Sylvi Sun Beam Thank to The New Divine Logos for the post and the message: "By YESHUA'S STRIPES we are HEALED. Our HOPE is in ELYON/YESHUA, FATHER, DELIVER and PROVIDER." Thanksgiving, glory, praise, honour and respect to Yahweh Elyon and His only begotten Son Yeshua, for what They have done for us, Adam's race in the earth. Thank You Yahweh Elyon for giving Your only begotten Son Yeshua, whom You love dearly, to die for us to bring us back to You. Thank you Yeshua, for giving your life, your life blood and f or dying on Calvary's tree to redeem us and bring us back to our eternal Heavenly Father Yahweh Elyon. Thank You Yahweh Elyon and Yeshua for rescuing us, saving us and setting us free from the bondage and prison house of the Evil One ( Lucifer) and his evil fallen Angels. "For GOD (Yahweh Elyon) so LOVED the WORLD that He GAVE His only begotten SON..." (The Gospel of John chap. 3:16; King James version Bible)).

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